The kitchen is known to be the most cosy place in the house so I hang out there a lot these days. Mom had to hide Monkey's food cause I was a bit too attracted to it, but she gave me some mini pots and pans to bang around with and I can play with the little cat door so that will do for now. Another newbie is my very own chair at the kitchen table so now we can eat lunch and dinner together. I like to be higher up these days, constantly reaching for something way above tiger-level which can be a pain in the neck I tell ya.
Saturday, 29 December 2007
What's cookin'?
The kitchen is known to be the most cosy place in the house so I hang out there a lot these days. Mom had to hide Monkey's food cause I was a bit too attracted to it, but she gave me some mini pots and pans to bang around with and I can play with the little cat door so that will do for now. Another newbie is my very own chair at the kitchen table so now we can eat lunch and dinner together. I like to be higher up these days, constantly reaching for something way above tiger-level which can be a pain in the neck I tell ya.
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
X-mas tooth

We had a swell X-mas brunch at grandma & grandpa with uncle Bert and auntie Annie but unfortunately not a lot of pictures to show. Mom got a real fancy D-lux new camera but she still has to figure it out & then I was also more then a hand full I'm afraid... first mom and grandma thought I was a bit off because of all the visitors and X-mas presents waiting to be unpacked so I didn't get any sleep the whole day, but the morning after mom discovered the real reason; I got my 3rd tooth! And of course I got lots of presents from Santa: a real car with wheels and a horn, and a fancy thing with animals and lights and sounds that goes around in circles and talks to me, and a wooden dog thing and a bunch of Winnie the Poo mini books... The wide screen pic is from mom's new camera, the only one that was sort of focused... (let's give her some time ;-)
Sunday, 23 December 2007
You may find more and more pictures of me in exotic places from now on. If mom only looks the other way I'm gone investigating every little corner of our modest mansion. Mom's constantly trying to lure me in other directions and goes "No mister Deven Eno, that's Monkey's food" the whole time while she's trying to keep up with cleaning the floors while cooking up plans to attach Swiffer dusters to my clothes and stuff. The sleeping bag sweater mom and grandma made for me is doing a pretty good job every morning ;-)
X-mas visits
We had so many visitors the last couple of days: Daan & Anette & Joff & Kyle & Nathalie & today auntie Nienke and sweet little Job dropped by. (Don't we look pretty togehter?) I always want to join the party and play and flirt with the guests so I got a bit exhausted by it all. So then, just when we were supposed to go and eat pumpkin soup at the neighbors Esmee & Christiaan, I fell vast asleep for a few hours! Mom's getting a crash course in go-with-the-flow-time-management. Good thing about soup; the longer you wait, the better it tastes ;-)
Friday, 21 December 2007
Boys will be boys
White Christmas
X-mas fun

Last night after sun down we went on a special mission with auntie Esmee to take a picture for our X-mas greetings. This fancy Santa bench is around the corner from our house and the people who live there loved that we came to take this special picture so the whole family came out in the icy cold to watch our shoot. Afterwards I was so energized I wouldn't sleep so mom missed two X-mas parties & ended up drinking tea with the neigbors from upstairs who were supposed to watch me sleep... oh oh. Poor mom, but then we had a cosy night after all ;-)
ps. I got this fancy Olvarit baby food a la carte X-mas mailing with my name on it but it only made me hungry and cranky...
X-man marvel
Saturday, 15 December 2007
Demolition baby
I never do what I'm supposed to do when mom is making a movie but this is about my new hobby; going through the yellow pages, like real thorough ;-)
Check up time again
Yesterday we went to the childcare center again for my check-ups. This session was mainly about food; that I should get more and more solid foods, and we're gonna try the goat-variety of baby formula milk since it looks like I don't tolerate cow milk very well, just like mom in fact. I grew only 1 cm over the last 6 weeks (74 cm now) which means I'm no longer topping the charts but slowly bending towards average. I gained half a kilogram so I'm almost 9,5 kg. now. Bottom line, I am fine, just going through my phases ;-)
Mom didn't have such a swell afternoon; she spend 1,5 hours at the dentist while I was having fun with auntie Esmee and Joff and Kyle came by afterwards to cheer her up. We played until 20.00 - demonstrating how fast I move these days I challenged Monkey for a ball game - and then I went straight to sleep (for a change). I've got a new trick though, in the middle of the night, like around 04:00, I wake mom up and then she takes me into her bed and we spoon up real cosy and both sleep like babies the rest of the night ;-)
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Boys just wanna have fun
This morning we went to visit little Mick & Aaron. They were real sweat and we played on the floor for a while with their 'baby' bears and firemen truck and then we went to the park to watch big machines lifting tree trunks but that's when I fell asleep so I never got to say goodbye... hope to see you guys again soon!
Boy toys
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Fun with the folks
Saturday, 8 December 2007
Happy Campers
Today we got a real cool present from the nice lady at the pet store where we buy Monkey's food. She gave us a doggy tent, for Monkey and me to play in. Boy it's such great fun, rolling around in it and playing peek-a-boo with mom, I was totally exhausted tonight and fell asleep the second I hit the sack ;-)
Friday, 7 December 2007
Moving pictures
This morning when mom was in the kitchen preparing breakfast I went out on an adventure spreading the toys from my toy box all over the place and hiding under the couch. You should have seen moms face when she got back and couldn't find me for a second. She decided to make a little film of my current mobility. Going in circles on my belly is one of my favorite moves at the moment ;-)
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Couch potatoes
We had a rather hectic morning escorting auntie Karen and her poor little kitten Philadelphia to the pet clinic (poor kittycat broke her leg! More about that tomorrow when she comes home after the operation) After that we lounged indoor all afternoon hiding from all the nasty rain. Our sweet neighbors Esmee & Christiaan came by to keep us company and Christiaan - who's always pulling me out of my comfort zone - insisted I took some interest in literature. Oh well, soon he can work his parenting skills on his own offspring ;-)
On the road
Saturday, 1 December 2007
Going places
We're having a busy week; I've been keeping mom busy until late at night 'cause I'm kind a inseparable from her lately, and mom's been keeping me busy with lot's of trips. Yesterday mom had two interviews with fashion people. We saw the lovely Astrid & Niels again, this time in their big big studio. (I helped mom pick something real nice from their Dutch Fashion Award winning Klavers van Engelen collection) And today we visited mom's friends Rob & Gert who were up late with a 'kater' which is something like Monkey but they don't really have a cat. Then after lunch we went on the bike to visit funny aunty Karen where I finally got to play with little Max again. All the grown ups were eating cake while Max and I were slamming each other in the head and stuff ;-) Max finally put on some weight and he's real rapid crawling everywhere. After all that fun I finally fell asleep around my regular bedtime. Ssssst...
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