Yeah I'm ten months old today! So another extra long bathtub session for me today, before heading down to riverland where I got to ride my very own car. I was so hyper the whole day I totally forgot to take a proper siesta, but then again, you only turn ten months once in your life right? Hey and have you noticed how great my skin looks lately? I'm so growing out of this itchy rash thing and into a little super handsome man ;-)
Sunday, 24 February 2008
10 months / Splash! the movie
Yeah I'm ten months old today! So another extra long bathtub session for me today, before heading down to riverland where I got to ride my very own car. I was so hyper the whole day I totally forgot to take a proper siesta, but then again, you only turn ten months once in your life right? Hey and have you noticed how great my skin looks lately? I'm so growing out of this itchy rash thing and into a little super handsome man ;-)
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Look grandma got us a new tub for me 'cause I'm not having that much fun in the tummy-tub anymore. Now I can do some serious splashing and play with my toys - good thing our livingroom floor is waterproof - and when I lay back, the tub is so small that I can't go under. This will work for the next couple of months ;-)
Friday, 22 February 2008
Wheels rock
Yeah, mom had a nice surprise for me yesterday when se picked me up from daycare: new -old school- toys! With wheels!!! I'm totally into wheels right now and anything that I can stack, take apart and reassemble again somehow (with a little help from mom ;-). The best wheels however are on my new buggy ride. Mom says that I'll have my first birthday soon and on this special day there will be more serious wheels... oh I can't wait!
Up & go!

See here my latest achievement! The sitting turns out to be real easy so I moved straight on to the next level; up on my feet. It's still tricky business but we practice a lot so I hope to make my first step soon. I still don't like to be left behind in daycare (buh huh!) but I must say I get lot's of inspiration from the other babies.
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Look who's sitting
Not such a big deal after all he he ;-) I'm still a bit wobbly but this sitting thing is kind of fun. Mom's been training me a bit these last few days and today I finally got the hang of it. I can't go into sitting position by myself yet but if she puts me on my bum I can keep it up for quite some time without falling over. I'm kinda proud myself ;-)
Friday, 15 February 2008
No sweat
Look (grand)ma, I'm doing just fine in daycare! Today was my last daycare-training day and when mom picked me up at 15:00 I was just eating rice crackers with cheese, real chill with the other babes. Mom seemed more emotionally stressed then me. She was real proud of me and so were the daycare ladies ;-)
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Home cooked chow
Mom got the message; I won't take food from a jar anymore, so today she cooked us both the same food, pasta with broccoli and fish. Yummie! The trick is I eat as much as I can myself, with my hands, while mom eats her dinner, and then she gets the blender out to mush it to baby food and she feeds me the rest while I lounge in my wipper chair. Oh and while we were eating auntie Ute brought by a super cool present for me; it's a baby plate that sucks to the table so I can't throw it on the floor. Mom was desperate to get one and Ute and Max bumped into it on the big baby fair today. We'll be testing it tomorrow ;-)
ps. I did a bit better in daycare today. I was still a bit moody but I played for a while with the other babies and then I fell asleep on top of one of the big breasted daycare ladies ;-)
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Daycare drama
Now that I'm as good as recovered from my 'cold virus' my training schedule at daycare continues. So today mom left me behind for 2 hours, of which I spend the first hour crying and being moody, and the second hour I slept in the swing. The rest of the day I was all over mommy again, so much so that I only fell asleep just now at 21:00... But... mom also discovered I got yet another tooth, nr 7 is out! And, nr 8 is well on it's way so that throws a new light on my recent health situation as well. Poor mom, always feeling like she's 3 steps behind on baby science ;-)
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Candid camera
Mom still needs to get a pro movie program to flip the little movies 90 degrees but untill that day you'll just have to watch sideways ;-)
Anyhow, I was snoring real bad during my afternoon nap -turns out to be the most boring baby movie ever- and afterwards we practiced me sitting, but by the time mom got the camera I decided it was enough for today ;-)
Anyhow, I was snoring real bad during my afternoon nap -turns out to be the most boring baby movie ever- and afterwards we practiced me sitting, but by the time mom got the camera I decided it was enough for today ;-)
Monday, 11 February 2008
Food food food!
The grandfolks are still a bit weak from the virus they picked up from me so I didn't go to riverland this week. I'm pretty much getting back on track though, still snotty but better by the day and I can't seem to get enough food. Had a full extra bottle in the middle of the night and I'm devouring dark bread all day long. Mom had a babysitter over for a couple of hours this morning cause she had an important work meeting. He was real nice and skilled and all, took me for a walk in the sun and played with me all the while, but I was so happy to see mom back I was totally hyper the rest of the day. Let's keep her busy hey? ;-)
Kyle's pics
Friday, 8 February 2008
Making a comeback
Yep, today was definitely an improvement, thanks to the nose drops. I slept super well, mom made me a big warm bottle at 5.30 in the morning and then we slept again until 8.30 which was a real treat for mom. I had some fruit and after my bath I did another long nap. Then, while checking out the birth card puzzle of baby Milou (which is uncle Bert's step-granddaughter, yeah I know that sounds complicated) I had a bit of 'pap', just in time cause mom had to go and pick up the keys to our new office space, together with Joff & Kyle. (Poor Joff suddenly realized he's gonna be sharing the space with 3 gingers ;-) The place - it's just around the corner from our house and used to be a diamond factory - is real nice, light and warm, and although it needs some work in the coming week I can already see my birthday party happening there! Lot's of space to tiger around with my friends ;-) Anyhow, back home I had some pumpkin and chicken chow, took another nice long nap with mom and then I had even more chow and fruit and a big bottle of milk before bedtime. So my appetite is definitely picking up! Unfortunately, the bad news is that now also grandpa got the virus so back in riverland things aren't so swell. Sorry guys! I'll make it up to you with a big hug and tons of charming baby smiles soon ;-)
Thursday, 7 February 2008
Up & down
;-( I'm still not well. Today maybe a little less diarrhea and a few up and playful moments in between all my naps, but when I lost my appetite for fluids as well mom decided to go see an emergency doctor. So we went in the car with auntie Esmee on our side and it turns out I got a mid-ear infection from that daycare-cold I had. Mom got special baby drops for my nose and they made me feel better instantly. I had a nice warm bottle of milk, played around a bit and after mom's dinner -the only food I find interesting strangely enough- I went off to bed and fell asleep immediately. So lets pray from now on it's upwards and back to good old crazy rascal me! ;-)
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
Poor little me

I'm still down with a nasty virus. Sleeping all day, watery poop, no appetite... grandma took me to a doctor but he said it's normal as long as I keep drinking water with special re-hydration salts, but it shouldn't last too long. I sure hope to be up and around again soon so I can go and play with the other babies at daycare again!
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Sniff ;-(
Oh oh, what next? I'm having a cold, that's what's next. Mom took me to this daycare center this week, twice for one hour, only to get used to the place, and already those other babies with their running noses gave me a cold. I'm a bit stoned by it all but mom is worried sick 'cause I won't eat. It was a real nice day today though and mom did some gardening so I joined her for some fresh air in the door opening. We also went for a drive with auntie Nienke and little Jop to a place where the moms bought some bargain cashmere samples or something. Life goes on I guess. Anyhow, Jop and I enjoyed the ride in the back seat together ;-)
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