It's over, Sinterklaas went back home to Span again. It was such an exciting month where dad and Nolan and Jobje and everybody joined us to welcome Sint's steam boat full of Pieten in Amsterdam, and all those nights I was hoping for a present in my shoe (and there were many, as well as tons of pepernoten and chocolate and really cool cards and letters), and all the creative fun we had at school, and then Sint came by at the grandparents and then, at his real birthday yesterday, a big bag of presents was dropped in our hallway. I will never get used to that heart jumping moment when the Pieten bang the door... but then mom and I had the greatest time unwrapping presents and playing with all the new toys and watching the new super cool Ghibli movie I got. And then today Joff came by and he had found yet another present for me, in his shoe! So weird, because we had found a little present for Joff in our bag as well. Seems like Sint had made a mistake and guess what: I got the biggest box of Farao Quest Lego I could possibly dream off! We spent the next two and a half hours building everything like a big pyramid full of traps and secret doors and a huge scorpio monster and a desert truck.... ok, I know I haven't been the sweetest boy all the time but I am sure going to try and be real good because Sint said he'll be back again next year *^_^*