Sunday, 15 July 2007

What's new?

Today we spend another cosy day with the grandfolks. What's new you say? Everything is new! I have clearly entered a new phase, where I learn a lot of fascinating new things. So first of all I sleep a lot (today for the first time I took a long nap on my belly) to process all the change. I work full time with my hands now, and tasting them makes me drewl like an old dog. Then I discovered I can blow great bubbles with the extra saliva. What else, oh the talking is even more fun now that I master al these new sounds and I can also almost keep my head up all by myself when I sit!


anonymous said...

hey Mo,

beware he looks like the guy from clockwork orange with these crazy eyes....


Deven Eno Veld said...

you beware! I purt a spell on mom, I can put a spell on you too! ;-)