Turned out the fever I had last Sunday was because I had two more teeth peeping through! When grandma brought me back home to Amsterdam today mom spotted them immediately. So now I have 6 teeth already. Time to start brushing, mom said, and we went out and got my first baby toothbrush and special baby toothpaste with Nijntje on it. Weird stuff the teeth brushing ritual but it felt sort of good on my gums. Of course I wanted to do it myself ;-)
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
My first toothbrush
Turned out the fever I had last Sunday was because I had two more teeth peeping through! When grandma brought me back home to Amsterdam today mom spotted them immediately. So now I have 6 teeth already. Time to start brushing, mom said, and we went out and got my first baby toothbrush and special baby toothpaste with Nijntje on it. Weird stuff the teeth brushing ritual but it felt sort of good on my gums. Of course I wanted to do it myself ;-)
Monday, 28 January 2008
My first fever
Oh oh... mom was suspecting the worst when I slept until 8 this morning and then fell asleep again on my play blanket around 11:00 AM... and yes, by the time we arrived at the grandparents in Riverland my first fever was official. Mom had the flue the whole week and now it's my turn. Poor me. Anyhow, we still managed to make some pretty nice music today ;-)
Thursday, 24 January 2008
9 months
Yeah! I'm nine months old today!!! Not hat we had a party or anything, I'm afraid mom wasn't feeling too hot today. Poor sniffing mom. But we did go to the childcare center for my check ups, and mom learned that she needn't be too concerned with my latest developments (refusing to sleep during the day, making a stampede every time she changes a diaper and me desperately clinging to her lap the whole day) so she felt a bit better afterwards. Apparently I'm in a phase typical for 9 month olds, another 'mommy-phase'. I've grown yet another 2 centimeters (76 cm now) but I'm a bit skinny (9.64 kg), probably because of that stomach flue I had the other day. I eat like a woodworker all day long so no worries there. I'm just real active; chasing Monkey, climbing mountain mom, slamming doors and banging stuff around the house the whole day ;-)
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Spoil Deven Day ;-)
Mom really spoiled me today, sorry as she feels for my discomfort of yet more teeth coming through. After our cosy morning ritual we went on a nice long walk, and she bought me this snug vintage hand knit play-blanket. Then she got me some real pretty spoons and some stuff to baby proof the house. On we went to mom's favorite eco-baby store where I got to pick out this cool wooden box full of little wooden pieces that seem to fit through all the different holes in the box. Well, I'll figure it out. Oh and she also got me a cute little wooden car that goes 'tweet' as you press the top, and we bought a cute present for the new baby upstairs. Back home I had a huge portion of 'pap' and then she figured it was high time for my nap. But I didn't feel like it at all so after 2,5 hours she gave up trying to hush me and started cooking for me again. Just then auntie Ute & little Max payed us a surprise visit. Max is a bit ahead of me, he's already standing on his wobbly legs and his crawling also looks more advanced than mine, so that was interesting. Finally after a full portion of chicken, carrots and rice followed by a full bottle of milk I dozed off around 8PM. It was a great day, although mom didn't look too happy during the final part calling me a 'high maintenance little rascal'. But hey, I'm a baby! babies are supposed to be 'high maintenance' ;-)
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Ladies in da house!
Just before mom wanted to put my pyjamas on tonight we got a surprise visit from our upstairs neighbor girl Anastasia and her two best friends who live right across the street. She's sleeping over there tonight because her mom's in the hospital right now giving birth to her little baby sister! More pretty ladies for me to play with yeah! All the girls wanted to take turns having me on their lap but I'm a bit cranky today -more teeth coming through I'm afraid- and I got real shy so they gave me back to mom from whose lap I couldn't stop and stare; they're so lovely!
Saturday, 12 January 2008
Down and higher up
Wow, I had the meanest stomach flue this week and I'm afraid I also infected grandpa and mom, so we were a bit down and out. But we're all good again and I totally got my energy back. So much so that I decided it's time to start climbing! Mom took immediate measures lowering my bed after shooting this movie, afraid as she always is that I'll hurt myself. Oh well, all the more challenge!
Monday, 7 January 2008
Rise, Shine & Snooze
We worked out a way to accelerate our morning rituals. So from now I get to soak in my tummy tub in the shower right after mom so she can go about her grooming activities simultaneously, and it's rather cosy! Once we were all dressed and fed and ready for a beautiful day though, the three of us fell asleep on the floor (mom was in between Monkey and me before she took the picture). Perfect Sunday stuff; sun beaming through the windows, birds singing in the back ground, nothing but a walk in the park on our agenda'sszzzzzzzzzz....
Sunday, 6 January 2008
Off line
I have to apologize on behalf of mom for seriously neglecting my blog, but the thing is, we've been starved for a decent illegal airport signal. So now mom's on the phone every day trying to fix our own full blown air port signal, but by the sound of it, it could last a while longer... poor mom. Anyhow, she made a bunch of little films... let's see if we can upload one on the late late night borrowed mini signal we have...
(ps. anyone know how to rotate a movie?)
(ps. anyone know how to rotate a movie?)
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
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