Thursday, 24 January 2008

9 months

Yeah! I'm nine months old today!!! Not hat we had a party or anything, I'm afraid mom wasn't feeling too hot today. Poor sniffing mom. But we did go to the childcare center for my check ups, and mom learned that she needn't be too concerned with my latest developments (refusing to sleep during the day, making a stampede every time she changes a diaper and me desperately clinging to her lap the whole day) so she felt a bit better afterwards. Apparently I'm in a phase typical for 9 month olds, another 'mommy-phase'. I've grown yet another 2 centimeters (76 cm now) but I'm a bit skinny (9.64 kg), probably because of that stomach flue I had the other day. I eat like a woodworker all day long so no worries there. I'm just real active; chasing Monkey, climbing mountain mom, slamming doors and banging stuff around the house the whole day ;-)

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