Friday, 26 September 2008


He he check out what I discovered today! Mom filmed a whole lot of this hilarious action, and again she filmed sideways... duh! But then she got fanatic and figured out the PRO movie stuff and how to flip these little movies. (To spare you a night long research: get PRO at Apple online, it's real easy, it's just a code. Then select the movie, run command 'apple+j', select 'Videospoor', then select 'Beeldinstellingen' et voila; an option to rotate! Yeah! Or not so yeah... turns out the exporting for web & the HTML stuff is way complicated. Help!) You know what, enough of the geek stuff, check out Deven the Roadrunner, sideways! PS. after all this action in the playground I walked all the way home like this, with mom right there by my side of course, but man, what a kick that was!

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