Monday 19 April 2010

Almost 3

Hey look, mom made another birthday party photo collage, in this case me growing from 2 to 3. We're having a nice gardenparty on Saturday & I wish all of you could join!

Sunday 18 April 2010

Born actor

Oh you've noticed I am not camera shy? Well, get this: I'm getting into some serious acting. I can be really angry for real, and I can play really angry for fun. Good thing mom enrolled me into an art-magnet school. let's hope I get in. I love dancing and acting in front of the mirror, I love reading, I love making art and I love singing so I'd make a perfect student!

sunny & sweet

Boy are we happy winter is over. We're spending as much quality time outside as we can to get those vitamins under our skin. Unfortunately no pictures of our trip to the kitesurfer's beach with aunty Nienke and little Jop and big uncle Jop's fabulous birthday dinner. You'll just have to take our word for it we're having a lot of the good life *^_^*