Monday 31 December 2012

In the nick of time

Oeps, we thought we 'only' had to do a December holidays update but we're further behind than that even... What can we say, life is speeding up! So after our last post, we did not go to the swimming pool but to the stormy beach with Paul. I'm always good for some serious outdoor fun!
Then it was time for Sinterklaas to arrive in the coutry and apart from all the restless nights we had lots of fun in school and my grandfolks got us tickets to go to this huge children's television Zapp Sinterklaas show (mom hated it but my and my pal Kit loved to see all our tv-heroes in the flesh). Of course I got spoiled big time by Sinterklaas with loads of Star Wars lego, including an advent calendar. Even our sweet upstairs neighbor had put her shoe for lucky me!
And then it was time for the X-mas marathon... of which we have terribly few pictures ourselves because mom got sick and had to hold on to her chair throughout the X-mas dinners and following days. Hopefully granny and grandpa and Paul have more pics for us to add to my blog to share with you. So here's our pretty X-mas tree that I of course helped decorate. And me (and Bas) working it with my big X-mas present, the Wii-U ;-)

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